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Someone suggested that I should start a personal style blog. And I thought to myself, "Why not?" It could be really fun. Or not. Anyhoo, this is my little hole-in-the-wall of vintage finds, style obsessions and the sort. Let's not take things too seriously around here, shall we?

Follow my instagram @ mattehatter


Vintage or Thrifted?
POSTED ON : Monday 7 January 2013
Everyone has their own travel routine. The average chump likes to hang out at touristy locations. The dude next to you likes to visit the local strip bar. The girl across the road likes to go gaga over the most insignificant souvenirs at the various night markets.

You get the drift... 

Well each time I travel, I make it a point to visit the local vintage/thrift store as well as its microbreweries. Please don't mind me, but clothes and beer are simply two great loves of mine. 

So recently I have had the chance to visit Taipei, Taiwan. Needless to say, I scoured the most authentic vintage/thrift stores that Taipei has to offer. And these were what I found: 

70s Vintage

I had a chance to chat with Andrew, the owner of 70's Vintage (above) and he filled me in on what exactly makes his store so unique: 

"We don't carry your everyday, run-of-the-mill apparel. The awesome thing about resale stores like ours is that every item is one of a kind. You could walk out donning something you bought here and not worry that you might bump into someone wearing the same thing.

Plus, we like to add small little details here and there to differentiate what we are selling from other similar concept stores. For example, we bleached our latest intake of denim wear and it's the kind of bleaching where you can't just do it yourself; we have factory partners helping us with that." I was sold and bought a Levi's bleached denim jacket amongst other stuff. 

Andrew is also an avid photographer. You can check out his photo shoots here.

Flea Market

I like how these two are greatly contrasted. One is a higher end vintage boutique that procures second-hand clothes and trinkets from places like Japan and America, adding its own touch to make them feel and look special. 

The other is a true-blue thrift store which doesn't give two hoots about its interior decor nor its overall image, passing on value to its customers in this manner. Die-hard thrift fans will love this place. Oh, and if you were wondering what those car fitted doors were - they are actually fitting rooms. I am totally digging that.

Both were packed with an armful of goods worthy of questioning if you could ship them back. I just bought them all (no I'm just kidding) and left both places a very happy man. 

As I left Flea Market, I overheard one dude in the store saying: 

"You gotta search through a lot of shit in this place and they are all second-hand. But every now and then you can find a $100+ Wrangler shirt for $50, that's where you know you've got it."

Amen, my friend.

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